Nikon D70S

When Nikon has brought out an `s' camera, it is virtually a sure thing that this is a camera you want to get your hands on. The D70s is not an exception. With essentially instant-on (.2 seconds), improved built in flash, a larger and brighter lcd screen, and especially the abilitry to take up to 144 exposures at 3 frames per second make this an incredible improvement to the existing D70. Imagine the sports or wildlife exposures you have the chance to get with this capability!

The D70s is the digital SLR to record daily life and life events. With a 6.1 megapixel resolution limits the size of prints you can make with it to about 11" by 17". If this is not a problem for you then this is your digital camera. It has wonderful color resolution and great auto-focus capabilities. When you are ready, it is a fully capable manual camera.